Are You At The End Of Your Leash
Say good-bye to trying all.the.things. and hello to real solutions
What's the difference between your dog & a dog that listens?
It's not the breed, it's not that he came from a's YOU!
Over the past 13+ years traing dogs and working with people, I've found two ingredients that make all the difference.
Determination and the right Training Plan.
That's it. Dog training isn't brain surgery (although there is a lot of science) and it's not something you need to pay a lot of money for (unless you want to).
Without a training plan or using the wrong plan you will continue to struggle.
The good new is that I can give you the right Training Plan no matter what you're struggling with.
The determination part if up to you. I can't give that to one can, BUT I will tell you that dog training is a numbers game.
That means that when you have the right Training Plan, all you need to do is the work. It's that easy.
And if you're here, I'm guess that you already have determination or you wound't have been scrolling on the Gram soaking up every dog training tip that you can find (btw, Instagram isn't a training plan). ;)
Don't get me wrong, I love scrolling social media, but when it comes to dog training, there's a lot of steps missing from those clips. And that's why you continue to struggle.
Imagine how it would feel...

when you are confident about what to do

when your dog pays attention and listens

when you finally stop searching for answers
The Results Speak For Themselves..
"Fantastic training resource for dog parents. Love her podcast and her training courses, especially The Dog Academy..I have been so impressed with this program and how helpful Sherry has been. She is always there to listen and encourage us and offer help when we need it."
10 Tips To A Calm Dog Without Training
Dog Training Checklist
Have you heard of the quadrants of reactivity? That's where most people make mistakes and why it seems like nothing works
This free Masterclass give you a crash course in reactivity, understanding the quadrants and what you need to focus on to help your reactive dog. Watch it and stop wasting time.
Watch NowAre you focusing on the symptoms or the cause of the puppy biting, pulling or jumping?
We all know that puppies need training, and lucky for you it's not brain surgery. But it can feel that way when you're focusing on the symptoms and not the cause. Watch this free class to see if you're focusing on the wrong thing.
Watch NowGet our favorite dog brain games, toys, treats and harnesses.
Dudley's Story
Dudley was surrendered to a rescue when he was a puppy. Heather, the Founder of Lovebugs Rescue, took him in. She knows firsthand how important good training is for dogs. Heather used The Dog Academy to train Dudley and work on his issues. Now Lovebugs Rescue recommends The Dog Academy to all of their adopters.

You deserve
everything you put your mind to and I'm going to help you get there.

Dog Training Tips & Advice Delivered Instantly To Your Ears
Is your dog trying to be a pack leader?
Are you making a potty training mistake?
What do you do if your dog is reactive?
Bad advice equals bad results. Good advice equals great results. It all starts with the advice that you get.
The Naughty Dog Podcast is your shortcut to learning tips, pro tricks, and great training advice that works.
Listen to The Naughty Dog Podcast
Here's how our programs shake out

The Dog Academy
Don't have time for the training class? Want a flexible option without skimping on quality?
Get private quality lessons in The Dog Academy. This isn't your average training class. The program has all.the.things and more. Start with puppy kindergarten, move to basic behavior and graduate to advanced exercises. This program is for you if you want to take your dog everywhere and learn all the things. You get access to all of this goodness for a whole year.
Watch Masterclass
Does your dog lunge and bark at dog? Are you embarrassed?
Reactivity and leash aggression are one of the most common problems Dog Mom's face today. It's the problem that gets the worst advice. For example, should you correct your dog for being "bad," walk faster so he can't focus on the other dog, or wave a treat in front of his face to distract him? Neither of those will work. You must first change the cause of the problem and the symptom of barking will decrease.
Watch Masterclass Now
Fantastic Focus
If your dog doesn't focus on you, then he won't listen.
Most struggling dog owners try to get their dog to listen when they haven't taught him to focus or pay attention automatically. Your dog should check in with you WITHOUT a cue or command. Just imagine if your dog looked up at you for direction consistently. How much easier would life be if your dog was focused on you? This 2-week mini-course is quick, easy, simple and easy on the budget, only $29.00
Learn More
10 Tips To A Calm Dog Without Training
Dog Training Checklist to make your life easier.
Get these simple tips that your dog will love and will make your life easier.
Get It Now3 Secrets to Get a Calm Dog That Listens

Hey there, I'm Sherry the Dog Trainer.
I was in your shoes 12 years ago. I took my dogs to classes, hired a private trainer, and did all the things. It wasn't until I focused on WHY my dogs were being naughty that I started to see real change. I became obsessed with learning more.
A year later I left my corporate career (after working my way to the top) to train dogs professionally. I went through the Karen Pryor Dog Training Academy and have two Certifications (CPDT-KA, KPA CTP). Running my private dog training business, All About Training Dogs LLC, is great, but private lessons are expensive. I created these online programs so that you can get private lesson quality without the price tag. These programs are a great addition to private lessons.
Educating yourself is the first step to an easy dog that listens.

Get Our Favorite Toys, Supplies, and Treats
Imagine what kind of trouble a 2-year-old would get into without the right toys and supplies. It's the same with your dog. Shop using our Amazon Store so you don't waste money buying the wrong supplies.
Our Amazon Store*We receive a commission when you shop at our Amazon Store. Thank you.
Do you live in Orange County, CA, and want private training?